...and his girl left behind. Justin Chambers is going to Antarctica as a chef, and leaving behind all that is normal, for a whole year. Together, but apart, we will document our experiences (well, he'll give me the info verbally and I will turn that in to a blog post!!) as we live in two quite different worlds for those 12 months.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A good day

Justin got fitted for his Survival Kit today and all other equipment required for the conditions in Antarctica.
Me, I did a couple of hours cleaning at a stunning Noosa holiday rental, you know the type... 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, full on central outdoor area with louvre ceiling, massive kitchen, pool, gym, you name it. I spent an hour and a half at the home of Hara Australia discussing ways in which we can improve their online profile - something I will be working on now and am excited about getting in to. I also delivered a wheat pack order, dropped in on a couple of friends then returned home to plant a cucumber and a lettuce - just the beginning of my next chapter of garden endeavours. (Watch this space!) The citrus trees are finally looking like they are getting excited about life and the passionfruit is taking off. The lavender that died due to lack of watering during my Bali sojourn are starting to look like they may just live after all.
And I finally got the house to myself again. Don't get me wrong, I miss Justin already, but his leaving also coincided with a family of four coming from the UK for a visit, our trip to Bali and just the last few days, my Mum and brother staying. I love having everyone here but I also love my space!
Now I think I will go and enjoy a glass of wine and start reading 'Facebook Marketing for Dummies'. Wish me luck!

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